File: mastdy62.htm - MAST DAYs version 6.2
OCTOPUS - Ocean Tomography Operational Package and Utilization Support
Uwe Send 1, Emmanuel Skarsoulis 2, Michael Taroudakis 2, Didier Mauuary 3, Gunnar Tietze 4, Fabienne Gaillard 5, Catherine Maillard 5
1 Institut fuer Meereskunde, Kiel, Germany; 2 FORTH/IACM, Heraklion, Greece; 3 LIS, Grenoble, France; 4 GEOMAR Technologie GmbH, Kiel, Germany; 5 IFREMER, Brest, France
Ocean Acoustic Tomography
Ocean Acoustic Tomography (OAT) has evolved to a recognized tool in oceanographic research. It is a technology ideally suited for remotely observing, studying and monitoring the large-scale state and environmental changes in the sea. OAT is an essential complement to other physical observing techniques which usually obtain data at single locations in the ocean or which can only sense the sea surface. In a sense, acoustics is THE remote sensing method for the ocean interior and it is expected to play an increasingly important role in future oceanographic research, monitoring, and forecasting applications. The long-term goals of the OCTOPUS project are
· to turn tomography into a routine, affordable, and operational tool for ocean research, monitoring and forecasting which also the non-specialist user has access to.
· to increase the acceptance and usage of tomography results as "routine" data.
· to enable small and medium enterprises (SME) to carry out operational applications and provide instrument services in tomography.
Ocean Tomography Operational Package and Utilization Support (OCTOPUS)
The OCTOPUS project will develop an OAT capability for the community of ocean scientists, service providers, and commercial enterprises, i.e.
· to develop an integrated software package
· to standardize data format and banking,
· to considerate the needs for data assimilation,
· to transfer expertise to a small / medium enterprise (SME), and
· to establish an instrument service center.
OCTOPUS Software Package
Nucleus of the OCTOPUS project is the development of a computer package, allowing oceanographers to use OAT without in-depth knowledge of all the specialties involved. The software will support
· planning of experiments,
· acoustic modeling, and
· data analysis.
The suite of software routines will allow easy and rapid preparation, processing, and analysis of tomography experiments. This will make tomography accessible and affordable for new users. The package will include
· ocean data routines to generate sound speed profiles, sections, EOF modes, etc. to be used as input for acoustic modelling
· acoustic propagation modelling routines to calculate transmission losses, arrival patterns, influence coefficients for inversions
· data pre-processing routines to perform the signal processing (cross-correlation, Doppler analysis, etc.), mooring motion compensation, clock drift correction
· data analysis routines to perform arrival time estimation, peak identification, and slice inversions.
OCTOPUS Data Management and Exploitation
A standard data format will be established for archiving of tomography data, upstream compatible with the software package, downstream compatible with user requirements. A set of companion corrections and standard levels of processing will be defined to be included in a tomography data archive. OAT results are of interest for oceanographers, acousticians, and numerical modellers interested in using data assimilation. Needs corresponding to other possible uses of the data will be analyzed and taken account of.
A data bank will be established for the European tomography data from this OCTOPUS and other MAST projects. These measures are important for dissemination and to make tomography more accepted and widely used as standard data for research and future monitoring and forecasting applications such as GOOS.
OCTOPUS Products and Instrument Service
The establishment of an instrument service center is important for operational observing systems of the ocean which are now being designed and for which tomography is a candidate. The maintenance of such systems is beyond the role and capabilities of research institutions, and thus operational agencies or European private companies must be prepared for this type of demand.
The industrial SME partner in OCTOPUS is responsible for the integration of the software package and will thus become familiar with the routine processing of tomography data. In addition, the industrial partner will establish a calibration facility for tomography instruments and will initiate an instrument service center, offering its service to academia as well as to applied sciences. Since the SME company is already performing other sea-going geoscientific and oceanographic services, it will thus be prepared to provide complete services for routine and operational applications of tomography.
OCTOPUS Contract No.: MAS3-CT97-0147 OCTOPUS Coordinator: Dr. Uwe Send Institut für Meereskunde Universität Kiel Düsternbrooker Weg 20 D - 24105 Kiel, Germany Tel: +49-431-5973827, Fax: +49-431-5973821 email: OCTOPUS Partners: Dr. Emmanuel Skarsoulis Foundation for Research and Technology (FORTH) - HELLAS Vassilika Vouton B.O. Box 1527 711 10 Heraklion, Crete, Greece Tel +30 81-391776 Fax +30 81-391801 e-mail: Dr. Gunnar Tietze GEOMAR Technologie GmbH (GTG) Wischhofstr. 1-3, Geb. 11 D - 24148 Kiel, Germany Tel +49 431-7209611 Fax +49 431-7209699 e-mail: Dr. Didier Mauuary Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG) 46 Avenue Felix Viallet 38031 Grenoble Cedex 1, France Tel +33 476-826486 Fax +33 476-826383 e-mail: Dr. Fabienne Gaillard Institut Francais de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer (IFREMER) 155, Rue Jean-Jacques Rousseau 92138 Issy-les-Moulineaux, France Tel +33 298-224288 Fax +33 298-224496 e-mail:
Files: v: 0403 / poster.98 M File: pekdem2 Measured OAT data (observation date vs. arrival time), source: Labrador Sea experiment O File: logoocto.eps OCTOPUS-Logo P File: p1.tif OCTOPUS software package: design of TOMOLAB T File: aver.tif Data analysis, inversion result for temperature variations: depth-averaged potential temperature compared with hydrographic and climatologic data (source: THETIS-2 experiment).