BathyNet - Info: Addresses
BathyNet - 0125
This is a display of relevant addresses for the BathyNet project.
To keep the display up to date in an easy-operatable manner, the informations are listed within the HTML preformatted way.
Nachfolgend werden die fuer das BathyNet-Vorhaben relevanten Adressen und Ansprechpartner aufgefuehrt.
Um die Aktualisierung moeglichst effizient zu gestalten, werden die Angaben in das PRE-Tag (PREformatted text) eingebunden.
File name ADR 9804 .doc ADDRESSES of BathyNet partners, version: 98 04 Date: 1998, month: 05 /May, day: 07 The order follows the one given in the BathyNet proposal 1 - GTG, DE GEOMAR Technologie GmbH (GTG) Wischhofstr. 1 - 3, Geb. 11 D - 24148 Kiel Germany - Deutschland Phone: ++49 - 431 - 72096 -10 secretary -11 Dr. Gunnar Tietze -21 Dr. Heinrich Hinze -99 fax Fax: ++49 - 431 - 72096 -99 fax Email: private URL: 2 - SISMER, FR Service d'Informations Scientifique pour la Mer (SISMER) Eric Moussat Banque de Bathymetrie & Geophysique Marine Ifremer / DITI / IDT / SISMER BP 70 F - 29280 Plouzane France Phone: ++33 - 2 - 9822 -4040 operator -4205 Eric Moussat -4541 secretary -4279 Catherine Maillard -4644 fax Fax: ++33 - 2 - 9822 -4644 fax Email: URL: 3 - NERC, UK National Environmental Research Council (NERC) Peter M. Hunter NERC Challenger Division for Seafloor Processes Southampton Oceanographic Centre (SOC) Empress Dock, European Way GB - Southampton, Hampshire SO14 3ZH United Kingdom Phone: ++44 - 1703 - 59 -6559 Peter Hunter -6554 fax -6553 fax -6555 secretary (Annie Williams) -6102 Dr. David Billet, SOC Marketing Group -6242 Nic Flemming, director EuroGOOS -6564 Dr. Robert B. Whitmarsh, seismic etc. -5000 Peter Hunter Fax: ++44 - 1703 - 59 -6553 fax -6554 fax Email: URL: 4 - IEO, ES Dr. Juan Acosta Yepes, PS EEZ-Program Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia (IEO) Departamento de geologia y geofisica C/Corazon de Maria 8 26002 Madrid Spain - Espana Phone: ++34 - 1 - 347 -3600 operator -3618 Dr. Juan Acosta Yepes -3622 Dr. Jose Luis Sanz -3617 Dr. Araceli Munoz, multibeam processing unit -3612 Ma. Jesus Garcia, mathematics - computing -3616 J. Molinero, system administrator -3611 P. Herranz, side scan Fax: ++34 - 1 - 413 -5597 Email: URL: 5 - BSH, DE Reg.Dir. Dipl.-Met. Horst Hecht Bundesamt fuer Seeschiffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH) Abteilung N Bernhard-Nocht-Strasse 78 Postfach 30 12 20 D-20305 Hamburg Germany - Deutschland Phone: ++49 - 40 - 3190 -0 operator, Vermittlung -4000 Horst Hecht -5000 fax ++49 - 381 - 4563 -602 Sylvia Spohn, BSH Rostock Fax: -5000 fax Email: URL: 6 - SHOM, FR Service Hydrographique et Oceanographique de la Marine (SHOM) Monsieur Christophe Le Visage Ingenieur en Chef de l'Armement Section Geodesie-Geophysique EPSHOM - Etablissement Principal du SHOM 13, rue du Chatelier BP 426 F - 29275 Brest Cedex France Phone: ++33 - 2 - 9822 -1876 -0849 secretary -0899 fax Fax: ++33 - 2 - 9822 -0899 fax Email: URL: 7 - Hydrographic Office, ES Instituto Hidrografico de la Marina