GEOMAR Technologie GmbH - GTG

GEOMAR Technologie GmbH - a Geomarine Service Company

GEOMAR Technologie GmbH (GTG) is a geomarine technique and science service company. GEOMAR Technologie is acting as a link between sciences and industry. GEOMAR Technologie carries out technical research and development work, services, and deliveries. GEOMAR Technologie also contributes actively to the transfer of technology and thus supports the regional economic structure within the Schleswig-Holstein bundesland.
GEOMAR Technologie's Line of Business and a Catalogue of Products and Services are given here and, sometimes partially as examples on exhibitions, fairs, and conferences.

GEOMAR Technologie is supporting sciences and academia by its services. In close cooperationship with scientists GEOMAR Technologie designs, developes, and manufactures apparatuses, equipments, and systems in sea technology. The devices build by these procedures, the know-how applied for the recent technical developments, and the close neighborhood to large and complex systems in major research centres are an attractive potential for industry and commerce.
The cooperation of the GEOMAR Research Center and the GEOMAR Technologie is such a part of a strategic alliance of science and industry.

GEOMAR Technologie is working world-wide without geographic restrictions. Thus, polar conditions are known to us as well as tropic and hot regions. The technical systems and the in-house know-how are applied in commercial natural resources prospection for petroleum and gas, hydraulic engineering, the protection of coasts and coastal areas, the optimization of inland waterways and the building or disassembly of platforms, bridges, and other water related facilities. GEOMAR Technologie also carries out surveying and monitoring work in marine research, oceanography, and hydrography. Subsurface and subbottom prospection, consulting and advanced training are part of the GEOMAR Technologie line of business as well as laboratory and analisis work and other technical supports.
The products cover small and medium-sized equipments. The services cover field and expedition services, laboratory and analisis services, and other services, e.g. management and consulting.

GEOMAR Technologie is a private company designed for the promotion of innovation and technology in the field of marine science and technology, see information about the company identity given here. GEOMAR Technologie is owned by Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SME) in marine technology and oceanography, located in Northern Germany at the coastal region of Northern and Baltic Sea, respectively. This kind of union is the guarantee for the broad spectrum of the GEOMAR Technologie services.
And this potential quickly can be mobilized for large and complex studies, too.





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            GEOMAR Technologie GmbH - GTG
            Telefon:   ++49 (0431) 72096-10
            Telefax:   ++49 (0431) 72096-99
            Wischhofstr. 1-3, Geb.11
            D-24148 Kiel, Germany

Copyright © 1998 by GEOMAR Technologie GmbH (GTG), Wischhofstr.1-3, D-24148 Kiel