GEOMAR Technologie - Katalog unserer Produkte & Dienstleistungen
Pardon, hier noch in englisch.
- Hardware
- Systems and Components for Ocean Floor Research
- Seismic Investigation Systems
- Visual Investigation Systems
- Sediment Sampling Devices
- Deep Sea Long-term Monitoring Stations
- Support Systems
- Components
- Laboratory Equipment and Materials
- ROV / Sub-sea Instrumentation
- Oceanographic Equipment
- Onboard Systems and Components
- Geomarine Equipment Pool
- Sampling Equipment
- Oceanographic Equipment
- Acoustic Devices
- Cameras
- Positioning & Navigation
- Laboratory Equipment
- Printer
- Decks Gear
- Buyos
- ...
- Services
- Geomarine Consulting
- Project Management
- Advanced Training in Marine Technology
- EEZ - Exclusive Economic Zone Management
- ICZM - Integrated Coastal Zone Management
- Modelling
- EIA - Environmental Impact Assessment
- Complex studies and project tasks
- Survey and Mapping Services
- Bathymetric Swath Data Center
- Market Orientation and Transfer of Research & Development R&D
- Technical Services for Academia and Applied Sciences
- Marketing, Sale and Rental of
Systems and Components
- Development, Prototyping, and Operation of
Oceanographic Systems and Equipment
- Technical service, Maintenance, and Repair of
Oceanographic Systems and Equipment
- Test and Calibration services and facility for Oceanographic Devices
- Geomarine Analytic and Laboratory Services
- Software Developments
- ...
- Geomarine Analytic and Laboratory Services
English version |
Deutsche Version
GTG-LeistungsSpektrum |
GTG-Katalog der Leistungen |
GTG-Ressorts |
GTG-Personalleasing 1: Drittmittelforschung |
GTG-Personalleasing 2: Fachpersonal |
Beispiel 1: Tiefseeforschung |
GEOMAR Technologie |
GTG-LeistungsSpektrum |
GTG-Austellungsexponate |
GTG-Geraete |
GTG-Feldarbeiten |
GTG-Labordienste |
GTG-Services |
GTG-Events |
GTG-Links |
GTG-Identity |
GEOMAR Technologie GmbH - GTG
Telefon: ++49 (0431) 72096-10
Telefax: ++49 (0431) 72096-99
Wischhofstr. 1-3, Geb.11
D-24148 Kiel, Germany
Copyright © 1998 by GEOMAR Technologie GmbH (GTG), Wischhofstr.1-3, D-24148 Kiel